Perspectives in Righting

Thanksgiving: Beyond the Plate

As the fall rolls on & we approach the holiday season, so does our mindset shift, focusing on the family, friends and other loved ones who have helped us to get through the year. It’s a time of reflection, a hopeful escape from the stresses of one’s career or schooling, a reminder of what truly matters in each of our lives.

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Perspectives in Righting

Remembering Our Black Veterans

As Veterans Day approaches, the collective American zeitgeist shifts its focus to honor its fallen soldiers, commemorate their sacrifices and look to the future improvements of the lives and conditions for veterans, active service members and their families.

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Perspectives in Righting

World Central Kitchen Is Filling More Than Empty Stomachs

Cataclysmic events the world over seem to happen with far more regularity than they did when I was younger. Knowing much of this is the result of a 24 hour news cycle, increased access to information and the advent of technologies that force the would be eyewitness to assume the role of journalist, or even the reluctant wartime correspondent.

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Perspectives in Righting

Title IX: Reflecting on 50 Years

As we near an end to 2022, those across the nation have banded together to commemorate one of the most significant pieces of federal civil rights legislation: Title IX, now celebrating its 50th anniversary.

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Perspectives in Righting

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Each September, the global community joins together to commemorate Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a movement that aims to raise awareness of suicide prevention, combat misinformation on the topic and spread a message of hope.

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Community Voices

Voices in Favor of a New Library

Residents are invited to a campaign kickoff event being sponsored by a group that is organizing to support the proposed construction of a new, 21st century public library on Main St.

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Community Voices

Sustainable CT: Sustainability Camp

In a time when our climate is changing, there are things we need to do to keep our town clean from pollution and help curve climate change. Sustainable CT is all about getting people of all ages involved to become climate leaders.

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