Recreation Golf League Begins in April!
Registration for the 14-round Summer Recreation Golf League for residents and non-resident begins March 1st and closes April 14th.
Registration for the 14-round Summer Recreation Golf League for residents and non-resident begins March 1st and closes April 14th.
The Manchester YSB is opening the teen center on Wednesdays from 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Learn more on Better Manchester!
International Mother Language Day (IMLD) is a worldwide annual observance held on February 21, initiated by the people of Bangladesh, to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism.
In honor of Manchester’s Bicentennial Year, Zack has teamed up with the Town to produce a documentary that showcases both the community and its history.
A draft of Manchester Next, the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), will soon be available! The Town of Manchester and planning consultant, Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative LLC, will hold a community open house and presentation to allow members of the public to get familiar with the draft POCD and provide questions and feedback.
In order to boost the range of early childhood offerings and better meet the demands of the ever-evolving Manchester community, the Youth Service Bureau has hired educator Caitlin Barclay as an Early Childhood Facilitator.
Find the latest programs and activities offered by the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation.
Calling all early, mid-career, professional, and underrepresented artists! Showcase your creativity by submitting an original concept to paint a canine sculpture as part of the Manchester Bicentennial Celebration in 2023.
Boys II Men is designed for young men (ages 13-18) who can benefit from the guidance, friendship, and life experiences of adult male role models in a group setting.
The Neighborhoods & Families Division will host their Spruce Street Farmers Market: Love Your Local Market on Saturday, February 11 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Nathan Hale Activity Center, 160 Spruce Street.
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