Sounds of the Forest
Listen to the sounds of the forest from the comfort of your home and realize the numerous health benefits!
Mental health impacts our behaviors and emotions. When we care for our mental health, we improve the way we think, feel, and act. Here you’ll find a variety of mental health resources chosen from our contributors to help you care for your own mental health.
#StayHealthy #Selfcare
Listen to the sounds of the forest from the comfort of your home and realize the numerous health benefits!
I tried and tried to write about racial justice today, about the agony of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (and so many others). I tried to write about the importance of the demonstrations, protests and marches sweeping Manchester, sweeping Connecticut, sweeping the United States and the whole world.
I am not a person of faith—I am an atheist. But these days I am trying to find comfort in the following prayer: God, grant me the serenity… Read More!
I work with teenagers and I live with teenagers. These days I talk with young people on Zoom and by phone every day, and – like all of us – they are OVER this pandemic.
Enjoy a vintage stroll Downtown with these jigsaw puzzles of 1950s photos by Sinch Ofiara!
Yesterday was windy and cold — really, this is MAY???!! — and I just wanted to stay inside. Of course, I had no place to go. No driving my kid to school, no going into work. Enough food in the house. Movies are closed. Can’t visit friends.
A prevention timeline video that highlights the achievements of the Manchester Change Collaborative throughout the years. Please take a moment to review our accomplishments and see all the work that is being done in our community. Our coalition and youth campaign appreciate all the support from the Town of Manchester and its residents—all which led us here!
I sometimes wish there were a thermometer I could just stick in my mouth – or my husband’s mouth, or my kids’ – that could easily read their mental health. Especially these days; there is fear, there is stress, there is sadness – are we mentally healthy?
Join Town of Manchester Recreation Division, Nature Explorer ‘Virtual Village” Video Series with our Rec on the Run Coordinator, Elizabeth MacDonald for fun, engaging, informative, and education videos steps from the front door. These videos are geared for children, youth and adults and will provide a respite to those looking for nature based programs, activities and ideas!
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