Moving Your Legs for Fun and Profit

Yesterday was windy and cold⁠—really, this is MAY???!!⁠—and I just wanted to stay inside.

 Of course, I had no place to go.  No driving my kid to school, no going into work.  Enough food in the house.   Movies are closed. Can’t visit friends.

I knew I should get out and go for a walk.

The thing was:  walking was the last thing in the world I wanted to.

Experts agree: We should all be getting out for a walk every single day.  Walking improves mental well-being.  It is good for your heart, good for your lungs. The sunshine replenishes your Vitamin D – and Vitamin D gives you a mood boost. Walking gets you off the computer.

Since the pandemic began, I’ve been walking most days.  And for me there have been some extra benefits.  I have met neighbors who I have lived near for years, but had never seen their faces. I’ve found little roads that I didn’t know existed. I’ve seen snakes and turtles and a cool bird with a long neck.

So yesterday I laced up my filthy sneakers and went for a walk.  It was freezing and gusty, but when I got back, I admit: I felt much better.

So if you’re reading this and you are not going for a little walk every day, please, get out and take one.  And if you are walking, look for me on the streets of Manchester⁠—I am usually in dirty sneakers and a red hat.

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