Annual Farmers Market Kicks-Off on June 2
The Town of Manchester’s farmers market season, which includes the Spruce Street Farmers Market and the inaugural Northwest Park Farmers Market, is set to kick off on June 2.
The Town of Manchester’s farmers market season, which includes the Spruce Street Farmers Market and the inaugural Northwest Park Farmers Market, is set to kick off on June 2.
Alisa Bowen-Marcado, owner of Rhythm Brewing, will share her entrepreneurial journey as a Black female business owner succeeding at a male-dominated business while teaching us how to navigate the craft beer boom.
Manchester Health Department, in partnership with First Choice Health Centers, will host a series of free mobile COVID-19 testing events. Find out More!
The Manchester Sculpture Project announces a new way to support efforts to raise funds for a life-size bronze statue of Elisabeth M. Bennet.
The Department of Leisure Family and Recreation’s Summer 2021 Program and Event Guide is here – registration begins May 4 for residents and May 7 for non-residents.
Manchester’s Repurposed Schools Committee is launching a neighborhood and town-wide community outreach to solicit input on how four Manchester elementary school buildings will be repurposed for future use. The Board of Directors has charged the Committee with the development and implementation of a coordinated plan to repurpose Nathan Hale, Washington, Martin, and Robertson Schools. Nathan Hale, decommissioned in 2012, has been vacant the longest and will be the first school targeted for repurposing.
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, local restaurants and businesses will begin to expand across the downtown area. In order to mark increased outdoor seating for Main Street’s many locally-owned restaurants, road barriers will be dispersed throughout the area to delineate additional seating. However, this year, the barriers are returning with an artistic twist.
Starting May 3rd, Manchester residents will be able to register for the upcoming Summer Day Camp season. Learn more!
In February 2021, current Manchester Town Troubadour, Bill Ludwig was named President of Imagine Main Street. Learn More!
Gallery 153 will host an upcoming exhibit entitled Partnership: Exploring the Dog/Human Relationship, which centers around the theme of “the dogs we love and their human counterparts,” according to exhibit creator Andrea Ruzzo.
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