Manchester Community Baby Shower
You’re invited to Manchester’s Community Baby Shower on Saturday, November 23rd from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Manchester Memorial Hospital, 71 Haynes Street.
The Manchester Early Childhood Collaborative is a diverse group of community members who strive to support the families of young children, ages prenatal to age eight by:
You’re invited to Manchester’s Community Baby Shower on Saturday, November 23rd from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Manchester Memorial Hospital, 71 Haynes Street.
Manchester’s Early Childhood Fair will be held on Saturday February 10, 2024 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon in the Manchester High School Cafeteria, 134 Middle Turnpike East, with the entrance being off of the Brookfield Street parking lot.
Join us for a free painting workshop. Children will participate in a guided portrait session, have a pizza lunch and watch a fun movie about a pet.
Are you a parent with a child aged birth to six? Are you free Thursday mornings? Manchester Early Childhood Collaborative, MECC, is offering a free monthly get together.
Join the Manchester Early Childhood Collaborative for an Infant Massage Workshop. This is a free opportunity for families that are expecting a baby or have an infant.
Meet up weekly with your infant, toddler, or preschool aged child(ren) for a walk! Don’t walk alone!
Want to stay connected to local early childhood happenings in Manchester- preschools, playgroups, family events, and resources for families and providers? Sign-up for the Manchester Early Childhood Collaborative (MECC) monthly e-newsletter! Sign up to stay in touch with MECC!
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