Update from the Community Y Recreation Center

The Community Y re-opened to the public on Monday, September 28 with several new policies and protocols in place to mitigate the risk associated with COVID-19. Over the last few weeks, we have seen a steady stream of “regulars” and new faces stopping in to workout. Patron traffic was light at first, but numbers have picked up in recent days. As the days get shorter and the temps get cooler, we hope to see more folks utilizing the fitness center to achieve their fitness goals.
Patron safety is of the highest priority to staff at the Y and just this past week, the Community Y Recreation Center had UV Lights installed in our HVAC system in the workout facility. These lights are used to kill the DNA of germs, viruses, mold spores, bacteria and fungi as they pass through the air handler system. This addition is one more way that we are trying to make sure that everyone is staying safe while in our facility. Our other procedures are still being implemented, which include wearing a mask while inside the facility, staff wiping down all equipment and high touch areas and when we close for the night, our cleaning crew comes in and disinfects and cleans the building.
Beginning November 2, 2020 the Community Y Gym hours will be adjusted to Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. We will be closing at 1:30 PM so we can continue our efforts to disinfect the whole facility. We will open again from 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Saturday hours will remain the same, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The main lobby will still remain open for the public to call, make appointments for the gym or sign up for classes. The main lobby hours are from 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM. We are still requesting that everyone sign up for an hour block(s) prior to coming and working out.
Our second session of activities will be starting up in November at all of Recreation Centers. This includes yoga, barre, pickle-ball, total body plus and much more. The Community Y will also be hosting Yoga for Food that taking place on October 30, November 20 and December 18 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. This is an opportunity for people who are novice or masters at yoga to come and be a part of a good cause. We would like for people to register a head of time by going online, calling or registering in person. The price for the class is free, all we ask is for participants to bring a food donation. To sign up for Yoga for Food, or any of the classes online, please visit RecOnline.townofmanchester.org. If you have any suggestions for classes or just tell us how we are doing, please visit yourvoicemattersmanchesterct.com.