GOOD Vibrations Do a Body Good!

Close your eyes and you may not realize how the seasonal changes are influencing the amount of energy, stamina, and motivation we may experience throughout the seasonal changes. Depending on the time of year, the proportions of colors within sunlight fluctuate affecting our bodies. The various colors vibrate at various wavelengths resulting in changes in growth and behavior. All of bodies systems are affected in a variety of ways depending on the colors in the light that surrounds us.
Light is mandatory for cells to function normally. The vibration patterns give us life, holding us together. When lacking light these patterns begin to break down leading to decay. An example would be the plant you put in a closet and ignore will not flourish, the same goes for our bodies.
It is springtime now and we all are starting to feel more energized and ready to take on tasks we have been putting off, ready to plant that garden, go for walk and enjoy the outdoors. The increase in sunlight and the quality of the colors could be the very reason for this feeling inside of our bodies – GOOD VIBRATIONS!
Here is just a sample of colors and the effect they have on our systems:
- RED – The color of blood, has the slowest vibration rate and the longest wavelength. It will raise your blood pressure, strength, and stamina. Is that why stop signs are red?
- ORANGE – Beneficial to the digestive system and strengthens the immune system.
- Yellow – Stimulates our brains and strengthens the nervous system. Creates energy, making us more alert, clear-minded and decisive. Is that why caution signs are yellow?
- GREEN – Good for the heart, emotional, and physical. The balancing qualities cannot be denied, promoting equilibrium and relaxation. Is that why a visit to a greenhouse feels so good?
- TURQUOISE – A refreshing tonic, wards off infection. Is that why so many in-ground pools are turquoise?
- INDIGO – Interesting that some doctors in Texas use indigo light to induce anesthesia for minor operations. Seems to have narcotic qualities. Is that why a black light bulb is hypnotic?
- VIOLET – Purifying, antiseptic effect on our brains and nervous system. Suppresses hunger and balances metabolism. Is that why a bouquet of violets brings such delight?
- BLUE – Lowers blood pressure, calming the autonomic nervous system. Who knew it is an anti-inflammatory – soothing, cooling, and calming. Dark blue has amazing pain-healing properties. Is that why sometimes we just want to sit on the beach and stare at the blue water?
Color affects our bodies in so many amazing ways!
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About Author

Design, color, and all things creative are my passion. Through the lens of my Nikon, I see what others neglect and collect moments that pass way too fast. The world is my canvas and the sands of a beach
capture my heart.
GMCC Leadership Academy graduate
Manchester Government Academy graduate
Manchester Police Citizens Academy graduate
Manchester ARTS Commission 2018 inductee
Crimson ART Box
Fun Fact #1 I like to dig in the dirt and paint on walls
Fun Fact #2 Paparazzi for Beauty Queens and K9 First Responders