This Ab Workout Took Less Time Than Making A Grilled Cheese...And It Nearly Killed Me.

active female doing crunches on a yoga mat

So earlier during this lock down I wrote a short article about how to prevent developing a “dad bod” while your gym is closed. Well that was in April, so basically a hundred years ago and needless to say my priorities have uhhh changed. Now i’m not saying that I’ve completely thrown in the towel but the other day I did catch myself trying to order cheese online so there is that.

Anyway I decided it was probably a good time to get ahead of this thing and start trying to keep
it tight again. What better place to start than hitting the old core I figured, and twenty minutes
seemed like something I could squeeze into even my hectic schedule. So if you’re feeling like a
hero today and you aren’t afraid of a deep fiery burn between your hips and shoulders, this
might just be for you. Sorry in advance!

  • 20 Knees up crunches
  • 20 Reverse Crunches
  • 20 V-ups
  • 20 Leg Raises
  • 20 Pulse Up
  • 4 Rounds / 4 Minutes rest in between each round.

Not sure about a particular exercise? Check the link below for a diagram of every movement
listed here and many more!

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