Summer Camp Registration Opens April 8th
Starting on April 8th at 9:00 AM, summer camp registration will officially open online and over the phone for Manchester residents!
Starting on April 8th at 9:00 AM, summer camp registration will officially open online and over the phone for Manchester residents!
Open House – Save the date 📅
Public Works Day is coming soon! Stay tune for more information in the upcoming weeks. #publicworksweek #manchesterct #NPWW
Find updates from the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation for for the month of March!
Do you love Spruce Street Farmers Market? Please show your support by voting it Best Farmers Market in the Hartford Courant’s Best of 2024!
Attend a public open house event for the Downtown Manchester Improvements Project! Get your questions answered by the project team to ensure clarity and address any misconceptions about the project.
In this video, you’ll get an inside look into the hard work that goes into providing meals to Seniors.
Registration for the 14-round Summer Recreation Golf League for residents and non-residents begins March 4th and closes April 15th.
The Town of Manchester is proud to announce that Buckley Elementary School is the State of Connecticut’s first verified Net Zero Energy K-12 school and the first verified publicly funded net zero K-12 project in New England.
Find programs and activities offered by the Department of Leisure, Family, & Recreation through the month of February!
The hiking and walking trails throughout our community allow for passive recreation (includes, walking, hiking, biking on permitted trails, or activities which allow for individual participation and/or social distancing) are still open to the public.
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