LFR Newsletter
Find the latest offerings from the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation for the month of May!
Find the latest offerings from the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation for the month of May!
UR Community Cares has partnered with the Manchester Recreation Department to operate their Cycling Without Age Manchester program out of the town’s bike building in Charter Oak Park for the community to enjoy.
Find the latest offerings from the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation for the month of April!
Please join UR Community Cares for our Open House on Monday, April 1st at 153 Spruce Street, Manchester (Eastside Neighborhood Resource Center). From 1:00 to 5:30 pm, we will be introducing our new Tech Center where older and disabled adults can gather for learning and socializing.
Have you ever wondered how damaged signs are fixed and installed in Manchester? Find out in this next DYK Series!
Starting on April 8th at 9:00 AM, summer camp registration will officially open online and over the phone for Manchester residents!
Open House – Save the date 📅
Public Works Day is coming soon! Stay tune for more information in the upcoming weeks. #publicworksweek #manchesterct #NPWW
Find updates from the Department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation for for the month of March!
Do you love Spruce Street Farmers Market? Please show your support by voting it Best Farmers Market in the Hartford Courant’s Best of 2024!
Attend a public open house event for the Downtown Manchester Improvements Project! Get your questions answered by the project team to ensure clarity and address any misconceptions about the project.
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