Hartford Road Bridge Opens Early

Hartford Road between Case Drive and Bidwell Street has reopened to traffic after having been closed since April 27th to replace the bridge over Hop Brook. While some off-road finish work remains to be completed next spring, the bridge opening represents substantial completion of the $ 3.1 million project and is five months ahead of the expected opening date of May 2021. Replacement of the bridge, originally built in 1871 and widened in 1931, included the replacement of critical electric, gas, water and sanitary sewer infrastructure crossing the bridge. The project was partially funded under the State of Connecticut’s Local Bridge Program and the project contractor is Trademark Contractors, LLC of Bristol, CT. “We are thankful to all of the parties involved in substantially completing this complex project ahead of schedule as well as those residents and businesses who have been inconvenienced by the road closure” said Town Engineer Jeff LaMalva. Remaining work is expected to be completed by May 15th.

Contact: Town of Manchester Engineering Division (860) 647-3158 pwinfo@manchesterctgov

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