The Manchester Water Department Alerts Residents on Water Conservation

The Town of Manchester Water Department is issuing a water conservation alert to all citizens, businesses, institutions, and users of the potable water supply because the levels of the Town’s reservoirs have dropped below 80 percent capacity due to the lack of precipitation. This past year’s average rainfall is behind the annual average. Hopefully cooler weather, historically lower outdoor water use, and a wet fall will be enough to reverse this trend.
This conservation alert requests that all users voluntarily conserve water by taking shorter showers, running dishwashers and washing machines only with full loads, shutting off the water while washing hands, shaving and brushing teeth, and minimizing the watering of lawns and gardens. Further voluntary conservation measures include avoiding the power washing of homes, sidewalks, and driveways; reducing the frequency of washing vehicles, and decreasing the refilling of swimming pools. It is also recommended that any leaky plumbing fixtures be repaired or replaced with low-flow devices.
The Water Department will continue to monitor the level of the reservoirs and will lift the alert once the reservoir capacities return to normal. In the event conditions worsen, the Town may need to implement additional conservation measures in accordance with the Drought Contingency Plan. This may include mandatory use restrictions in order to ensure an adequate supply of water is available for normal domestic consumption and fire protection.
The Town of Manchester thanks all of our water customers for their participation in these voluntary conservation efforts. By being proactive, we hope to avoid any mandatory restrictions of water usage. For further information, please call us at (860) 647-3115 or visit our website at and click on the “Water Supply Status” link.
cc: Scott Shanley, General Manager
Manchester Board of Directors
Department Heads EJS