New Map to Promote the Greater Downtown Manchester Businesses, Assets and Attractions

The Greater Downtown Manchester Discovery Map has arrived! The map was commissioned by the Town of Manchester to promote the Greater Downtown Manchester area by highlighting its many commercial and quality of life assets for visitors.
Staff from the Town of Manchester Dept. of Planning and Economic Development worked with Discovery Map International, Inc., a leading national publisher of local maps and travel guides, to create the map. Manchester is the first Connecticut municipality to have its own Discovery Map, which are popular in travel destinations elsewhere in New England and across the country:
The front of the 11 x 17 full color, glossy map is a colorful, hand-illustrated rendering of the Greater Downtown area. Sponsor businesses are identified along with services, recreational amenities, historic sites, and other points of interest. Buildings are color coded by use. An alphabetical grid system makes it easier to cross reference the map locations with the listings on the reverse side of the map.
The back of the map features a resource list that includes additional information on Where to Shop, Where to Eat, Services, Things to Do, Points of Interest and a Downtown Calendar of Events. Because the COVID crisis has impacted most of the reoccurring events listed on the Calendar listing a disclaimer was added suggesting that users “Please use contact info to confirm status of event”.
10,000 copies of the Greater Downtown Manchester Discovery Map were printed and have been distributed throughout town to sponsor businesses, services, sites and attractions listed on the map as well as to area hotels and apartment complexes.
“Manchester has a wealth of assets that contribute to its quality of life and make it a great place to live, work and visit.”
Director of Planning and Economic Development, Gary Anderson Tweet
“Manchester has a wealth of assets that contribute to its quality of life and make it a great place to live, work and visit.” notes Director of Planning and Economic Development, Gary Anderson. “We hope this map project raises awareness of the visitor resources present in the Greater Downtown Manchester area, knowing that it reflects only part of what Manchester has to offer. With all the recent positive development Downtown and as businesses start to slowly reopen, we thought this would be a great time to remind those inside and outside Manchester of just how much we have to offer.”
The Town of Manchester hopes that this map will be a simple, fun and useful reference tool that visitors and residents alike can use to discover all there is to see and do in the Greater Downtown Manchester area. A digital version of the map will soon be launched on the Town of Manchester website to allow expanded access to the map.
If you would like to request a copy of the Greater Downtown Manchester Discovery contact the Town of Manchester Customer Service and Information Center at [email protected] or call 860-647-5235.
For a digital version click the link below.