Extended Deadline for Advisory Committee Applications

Manchester Greater Together Community Fund has extended the deadline from July 31st to the new deadline date of Wednesday, September 30th 2020 for those who wish to apply. Manchester Greater Together Community Fund will receive $50,000 and a matching amount of $50,000 will be invested. In subsequent years, the interest from the invested funds will be available for distribution.
The Committee is to be made up of Manchester residents and is intended to be inclusive, representative, and reflective of all residents of the community. The Advisory Committee will identify community needs and design a grant-making process aimed to ensure community funds have the greatest beneficial impact for town residents. Karen Hartenstein of The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving will provide ongoing assistance for the Advisory Committee. For the time being, meetings will be held virtually and accommodations will be made to ensure all committee members can participate.
The selection committee from Manchester whose role is to select the first Advisory Committee members and ensure it is inclusive and reflective of all town residents is Michelle D’Aiuto, Anne Carr, Barry Curcio, Molly Devanney, Rich Fitzgerald, Heather Guerette, Kasey LaFlam, Jake Otto, Peyton Rutledge, Judith Rose and Ben Creamer.
If you would like to be part of the Manchester Greater Together Advisory Committee you must be a Manchester resident, be over the age of 14 and cannot be an elected official. The Advisory Committee will be made up of 5-15 members and will be reflective of town demographics. Committee members need to abide by a conflict of interest policy. Interested applicants can access the application at https://www.hfpg.org/manchestercf or can email us at [email protected]. Completed applications can then be submitted online or mailed to Manchester Community Fund, c/o Heather Guerette, P.O. Box 191, Manchester, CT 06045-0191. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Questions can be emailed to [email protected] or we can be reached by phone at 860-338-1612.
For more information about the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving visit https://www.hfpg.org or call 860-548-1888.