COVID-19 Updates
In an effort to keep the Manchester community safe, healthy, informed, and up-to-date, the Town of Manchester has launched an official COVID-19 webpage that hosts the latest information and statistics on COVID-19 information related to Manchester, Hartford County, and the State areas.
Visit the Manchester COVID-19 page for the latest information, resources, and updates on the Coronavirus.
View Data Dashboards covering Manchester COVID-19 specific statistics.
Your Voice Matters COVID-19 Response Survey
Complete the COVID-19 Response Survey on Your Voice Matters by signing up here.
To join Your Voice Matters
Grab a smartphone, computer, or tablet and visit.
Click “Register” or “Sign-up Now” and fill out the sign-up form.
Login to and let your voice be heard!
For any questions regarding non-emergency town operations please call our Customer Service
Center: 860-647-5235.
For general questions call the Coronavirus Info Center 2-1-1 or text “COVID19” to 898211
or visit CDC information & resources.