Class of 2020

In February, my younger son, Gus, went to school at Cheney Tech one day, and was pulled out of class for a cap and gown fitting.

“Some ‘fitting’,” he chuckled that night. “I wrote down my own height and weight, and gave them thirty-five dollars.”

I wonder if he’ll be getting a refund.

It is pretty clear now that the high school classes of 2020 will not be getting an auditorium filled with cheering parents and  grandparents; they will not be throwing their caps in the air; no group hugs; no group pictures of ‘friends forever’. We parents will not be cutting sheet cakes for their noisy parties while wondering where the years went. (Well, we will still be wondering where the years went.)

Our high school seniors might feel sadness over not being able to use their prom dresses. They might feel loss over last days missed with close friends. They surely will feel uncertainty over the future.

Schools are working on ways to recognize their seniors – Virtual graduations ceremonies?


Socially distanced?

And families, too, are thinking of ways to make this landmark a happy one. In our house, I may bake Gus that sheet cake and decorate it with an icing diploma.

We’ll freeze three -quarters of it. And defrost it when we can have a party again.

Here are a few ways to still celebrate!

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